Investigation results in recent years

Excavation results in 2009

Investigation spots 0923, 0924 and 0925
?Archaeological Excavation and Research in association with new machinery (plumbing) work in East (medical) Ward? in the Honjo-kita area
Kumamoto University Archaeological Research Office numbers and files investigation spots with the year and the order in which they are investigated.Investigation spot 0923 means the 23rd spot investigated in 2009.

Investigation period: October 13, 2009-December 3, 2009
Investigation area: 227.8 m2
Main era: Ancient times
Main relics: Haji ware, unglazed stone ware, Haji pot and Takatsuki(Pedestaled dish)
Special notes: At the neighboring investigation spot 0104, many pitdwellings and
earthenware were unearthed.
The spot is indicated in light blue on the map shown below:
With regard to the investigation result at investigation spot 0104, please
refer to 'Kumamoto University Campus Excavation and Research Report VI'

Map at the investigation spot (within Kumamoto University Hospital Campus at 1-1-1 Honjo, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City)


The map above shows the entire site of Kumamoto University Hospital.The place where the investigation was conducted this time is outlined in red on the upper left.The thin red zone shown in the enlarged map is the place where the investigation was conducted this time.

Work area 8 (0925)
The site was well-preserved and in good condition.The excavation detected 1 ancient pit-dwelling and 4 pits.Based on its location, the pit-dwelling is seen as a continuation of the pit-dwelling in Area 1 of the investigation spot 0835 which was investigated in 2008.

Excavation situation at Work Area 8 (photographed from the west)


